Author Topic: New here, very recent loss  (Read 4104 times)

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Offline JuniperJ

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New here, very recent loss
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:30:29 PM »
Hi, my loss is very recent and still feels rather surreal.  My 81 year old mother died on 25th July and the funeral was last Thursday 11th August.   Although she weak lungs and had survived three bouts of pneumonia in the last three years, her death was a lot sooner than we expected.   Last March (2015) she was in hospital for about 6 weeks after having pneumonia and was then also diagnosed with COPD and heart failure.  Since then Dad looked after her at home and she had been reasonably OK until earlier this year when she started getting very wobbly and then started falling regularly. She lost all her confidence about going anywhere, and my husband and I (we live 2 miles away from them) were getting phone calls asking if we could go over and pick her up as Dad couldn't manage it. She also had dementia although both she and dad seemed to be in denial about that :(

In the end we said 'you have to call an ambulance, she needs medical attention', plus my husband was struggling to pick her up without damaging his back; so that same evening she fell again and Dad called 999 and mum went straight to hospital.  They gave her oxygen and did lots of tests, her oxygen saturation was really low. It's no wonder she'd been struggling at home so much :(  The hospital said it wouldn't be safe for her to move home and dad wouldn't be able to cope, it is an old house with stairs everywhere, so Dad and I looked at lots of care homes in the area. That in itself was quite stressful, thinking it has to be right as she would be there for at least a few months or a year, as we thought. In the end we decided on a really nice one (thankfully mum had enough money to cover it) and she was quite happy to move in there, though I don't think she realised it was permanent even though we told her.   We knew that medically she had reached the palliative stage but were optimistic because she had pulled through from this sort of thing before.

She was only there about 5 days until she became bed bound because she was so weak, and after they did more tests she went on 24 hour oxygen.  We were told that she wouldn't be with us much longer.. she passed very peacefully away 12 days after she moved in there.   Writing that makes it sound as though she gave up because she was not at home, but really she was happy there and the staff were wonderful.  It's just that her respiratory failure had progressed much faster than any of us realised.   

Although we had a few days warning that we were going to lose her, I don't think it quite registered and I still can't believe she has gone. It doesn't seem real at all.   Dad is struggling with it of course and my older sister has been staying with him for about a month.  This has meant that he has had company which is great but she is going home today and I am worried about him being alone at home.  He has been drinking more than is healthy for some time, while he was caring for Mum (and I know that her dementia was quite demanding), and has had a couple of falls himself.  We have talked to him about it and how much we love him and that we're worried about him hurting himself, but also it's so soon after losing mum I don't want to be pushy.   I work full time but am the only child that lives nearby, my sister is a couple of hours away and my brother is a few hundred miles away in Scotland. I have always been the one that dad and mum have called on in an emergency, and although my sister does all she can (she has her own family and problems), sometimes I've felt feel like an only child.  The other night we got a phone call at 9.30pm and both husband and I immediately thought 'What's happened??', it is so instilled in us now.

At the moment I don't feel that I have time to care about myself or how I feel about losing mum. I am sorting out most of the paperwork but mostly what I think about now is how I'm going to make sure Dad's ok, along with my work and my own personal life.   Then I start feeling guilty and selfish for not wanting to drop everything to look after him.  I also think I have inherited unnecessary worry from my mother, it used to drive me mad that she would always imagine the worst was going to happen, but now I find myself doing it as well...

I didn't see her during or after the evening she died, my last memory was that afternoon when she was sleeping peacefully, and the day before we'd exchanged smiles and kisses. I wonder whether that makes a difference to the acceptance that she is gone?

Sorry for the long post, thank you for reading.. x

Offline Norma

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2016, 04:31:32 PM »
Sending you a welcome hug Junioer xx


Your story sounds so similar to mine when mum died in a care home she too had dementia, i was an only child and like you had to care for dad, i feel for you and the strain it is having on you and your family, trying to juggle, work, home a family and looking after your dad, eventually it made me so ill and dad wasn't able to be on his own, so he had to go into a care home. I think what im trying to say hun, do what ever is the best for you, your family and most of all your own health xxx
Its been a rough week but i made it. How about you 💐

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2016, 05:01:13 PM »
Hello Juniper- you're probably going through the same thing I did when my Dad died, I then had to look after my Mum and really didn't get the chance to grieve properly until my Mum died and then I really lost it and was able to grieve properly. I think Norma is right and you have to be able to look after YOU or you won't be able to help anyone. (Easier said than done I know) What you're saying sounds so familiar to me, and is your Dad maybe at risk on his own. Do you think he would be safer in a home? Have you talked about this?

Offline JuniperJ

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2016, 01:01:53 PM »
Hi Norma and Julie

Thank you, and I'm sorry to hear your stories too.  Dad is nowhere near needing to go into a home yet, but mainly needs company and people watching out for him.  My sister went home yesterday afternoon after staying with him for 3.5 weeks so it is the first time he's been on his own since mum died.  After posting yesterday I'm feeling more positive today and know that we all need to just take this a day at at time and not catastrophise about what might happen.  Today I took Dad to get his blood test, just to keep him company as he would have managed quite well on his own. Tomorrow we will go up to the burial ground together after I finish work (mum is in a beautiful woodland burial ground, a very peaceful place to visit).   He has some great friends who will call in too, and he is hoping to go back to his singing group in the autumn which will give him another support group.  He says he has been lent a book about 'not being told how you should grieve' which then tells you all the ways you might grieve. We had a laugh about self-help books and how 'don't do anything for a year' doesn't mean literally nothing, just not major things.  He and I are very alike in our outlook and emotions, and sense of humour.

I am meeting an old school friend this evening who now lives overseas, her mother died a week after mine and she is just over here for a week so we are getting together for mutual hugs.  Another friend's mother died the same day as mum.  A sign of getting older, I guess :(

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2016, 08:11:31 PM »
Oh bless him- he sounds to be in a good frame of mind.

Offline Hubby

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2016, 10:45:24 PM »
Hi juniperj. Sorry to hear of the loss of your mother

It's early days yet and things will seem surreal. The changes in our everyday lives brought about by a loss take quite some time to get used to.

Wishing you strength.

Offline JuniperJ

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2016, 12:40:31 PM »
Hubby, I was reading your story yesterday and thinking how fortunate we were to have had the time for proper goodbyes with Mum.   
I'm sorry if this 'sets you off again', but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry to read of your tragic and sudden loss. I was trying to imagine how it would feel were that to happen to my husband, but it's unimaginable.  Big hugs to you and your daughters xx

Offline JuniperJ

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2016, 12:49:49 PM »
Oh bless him- he sounds to be in a good frame of mind.
He has been through a stressful few months and although of course he misses Mum like crazy ("She's all I have", he would say when she went into hospital, I think he knew before we did that this was near the end) I suspect that like the rest of us he feels that she is now far more peaceful than she was in those last few months, and she now has nothing to worry about.  Keeping an eye on him, Being There and including him more in things we do is all I and my husband and my siblings can do, even if sometimes it's only on the end of the phone.   Dad agreed yesterday that the only way is take it a day at a time and just do whatever feels right to him. 

Offline Hubby

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Re: New here, very recent loss
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2016, 10:40:58 PM »
it sounds like your dad has taken on board what he read in the self help book and knows what to expect. He is lucky to have you nearby to care for him and help with the paperwork. I have no idea how some people cope with it alone. In the early weeks I couldn't even bring myself to open an envelope.

One day at a time seems to be all we can do. Sometimes it's even down to one hour or minute at a time. It's a long journey but every step, no matter how small, takes us a bit closer to accepting and coping with our loss.

Take care.